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Painshill was created between 1738 and 1773 by the Hon. Charles Hamilton, 9th son and 14th child of 6th Earl of Abercorn.
Painshill was created as a reomantic landscape to stimulate the senses and emotions of the visitor.
Until the outbreak of World War 11 Painshill was held by a series of private owners.
The main decay started in 1948 following the sale by the Coombe family.
Rescuing and restoring this exceptional Grade 1 landscape with undiscovered history was extremely challenging but exceedingly rewarded being capped with the award of the rare Europa Nostra Medal in 1998 'for the exemplary restoration from a state of extreme neglect, of a most important 18th century landscape park and it's extraordinary buildings'
Painshill Park is of international importance and the Painshill Park Trust now has a long term aim to become a world heritage site.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Autum Scenes, Painshill Park, Painshill Park Cobham

Painshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - AutumnPainshill Park - Autumn